Nachruf von
Herr Marc André LIMOT

Veröffentlicht auf Montag 5 Februar 2024
Herr Marc André LIMOT

Herr Marc André LIMOT

Geboren am 11 Dezember 1934
Verstorben am Sonntag 4 Februar 2024 im Alter von 89 Jahr
ansässig à Strasbourg

3 rue du Faubourg-de-Saverne
67000 Strasbourg
03 90 20 28 76
Envoyer des fleurs pour Herr Marc André LIMOT

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Wir sind zutiefst traurig, Ihnen den Tod von zu mitteilen

Herr Marc André LIMOT

aufgetreten am Sonntag 4 Februar 2024 im Alter von 89 Jahr

Envoyer des fleurs pour Herr Marc André LIMOT

Blumen liefern lassen

100 % sichere Online-Zahlung
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  • Ho conosciuto André quando avevo credo meno di 20 anni e adesso ne ho quasi 80. Era amico dei miei fratelli Ornello, Gino e Marcello (che purtroppo non ci sono più da tempo) e di tutta la famiglia, e, quindi, che dire se non che quando un' amicizia dura così tanto è vera amicizia. Tanti viaggi insieme con Shirley, Lorenzo, mia figlia Federica, mio fratello Gino e con il mio compagno Ignazio. Tante chiacchere animate sulla politica ormai al telefono tra Roma e Parigi. Insomma una vita passata tutti insieme. Spero di aver fatto capire quanto Andre' ci mancherà. ¹

    Mariella Vitali
    Sonntag 18 Februar 2024 à 20h02
  • I have such wonderful memories of both of you …since 1967? In New York. I have no photos but will try and put something on the site that Laurent sent out.
    I think I remember most his voice and his unique pronunciation of English – probably sounds really peculiar, which is following me around now with the image of his face. Truly a lovely memory. He was such a lively person, full of interests and enthusiasms and interested in people. I can remember all sorts of instances of his descriptions and comments: in NY, Rome – lovely flat on Piazza Navona, Igny, - multilingual breakfast and then Strasbourg.

    He and you have been so lucky to have had such a good time with so many experiences together, over so long. I hadn't realised he was 89! His character always made him appear so much younger.

    Jane Frances Stevens
    Mittwoch 14 Februar 2024 à 12h11
  • Aunt Shirley, Larry, Thomas and Emi, Thinking of all of you during this difficult time. When I think of Uncle Andrea and the last time I saw him in person it brings back some great memories from the visit Megan and I made - being met at the train station just like the movies, being shown around the city, the Parliament, your garden, the center, the church and the wonderful hot chocolate on a chilly day - not to mention the great meals he cooked - great experiences that will always be cherished. xoxo Cathy

    Cathleen Taylor
    Donnerstag 8 Februar 2024 à 19h00
  • We have great memories of Andre and they will linger on. Love his picture. It looks so natural and we wondered if he had his sweatpants on.
    Our best to you Shirley and Larry and Family. Love, Tony and Nancy

    Tony and Nancy
    Dienstag 6 Februar 2024 à 18h47
  • Je t'ai retrouvé pour mieux te perdre après une absence de soixante cinq ans. Je vais te rejoindre à vélo sur les routes que nous avons parcouru , je n'ai rien oublier ,on ne guéri pas de son enfance.

    moreau jacques
    Dienstag 6 Februar 2024 à 11h05